Heat Transfer
Ormiston has considerable expertise in the complex field of heat exchange. We have manufactured wire turbulators since 1968 and have developed our own specialist looped-spiral design.
The turbulators we offer are manufactured from wire in the form of a looped spiral as illustrated, and we consider they have many advantages over Fin or Spiral sheet metal types.
The density of the turbulator can be varied to suit the liquid or gas flowing through the tube to give maximum excitement and heat transfer coefficient with a minimum loss of pressure thus economizing on the length, diameter or number of tubes required per unit and allowing flow pumps to be kept to a minimum size.
Our turbulators are normally manufactured with a small eye at one end (to facilitate easy pull through the tubes) and a tail can be left at the other end for joining on any follow up length, when tubes over 3.00 metres long are involved.
These turbulators are normally need no fixing in the tubes as wires grip quite tightly and do not tend to move with a normal flow of liquid or gas.
The wire from which this product is made can be of almost any metal and our present production includes galvanized mild steel, Stainless Steel, Copper and Monel Metal.
We can offer any length from 15 cm up to 3.00 metres and longer lengths can be easily made up by a simple method of joining.
Diameter can be varied to suit any tube from 6.35mm up to 32mm.
We look forward to receiving your enquiries which will have our immediate attention. Typical samples are available on request.