Trip Wire
Case Study

Trip Wire

Special orders and applications





The application

This is a good example of one of the more unusual types of order we receive. We were approached by a training company to see if we could manufacture a replica of a trip wire, as used during the Cold War. The end purpose was to teach operatives how to disarm potential antipersonnel devices.

The Ormiston solution

After investigating historical designs and devices we were able to manufacture an accurate replica. This involved working with a specialist wood turning company to produce the bobbins on which the wire would be wound. The wire itself was stock spring wire, which was specially painted. Our specialist winding machines were then used to wind the wire onto the wooden bobbins.

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The outcome

On receiving approval to the initial prototype replicas, the order was placed and successfully completed, hopefully saving lives in the process.

Sample image

Do you have an unusual application or usage for wire products?

Ormiston Wire

Related Sector

Military Wire
As an approved wire manufacturer and supplier to the military, our products are in use across a wide range of applications.
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Tell us what you need

How will you be using the wire?


    Phone Number

    Thomas Hetherwick: Bleigiessen