Sustainable Development
A comprehensive environmental policy. The Queen's Award for Sustainable Development.
At Ormiston Wire, our environmental policy mandates a wide range of sustainability procedures. These are an integral part of our operations, from materials used, to our manufacturing processes, through to administrative and support services.
We continually monitor and manage our environmental performance to ensure all reasonable and practicable measures are taken to:
- Comply with all relevant statutory environmental requirements
- Achieve good environmental standards in all activities including the reduction, controls, handling, use, storage and disposal of waste and prevention of pollution
- Make economic use of energy, water and all other resources to minimise waste in all aspects of the business
- Assess regularly the environmental impact resulting from business operations and remain fully informed of recognised best practices
- Communicate this policy to company customers, contractors, suppliers and employees and encourage their active involvement
- Include environmental issues in training programmes to increase employees awareness and active involvement
- Set environmental business objectives and targets for improvement, which will be regularly monitored and reviewed
- Maintain contingency plans where a foreseeable risk of environmental incidents exists
Case Studies
Wire Works
Article from Environment Business Magazine on the achievement of a Queen’s Award for Sustainable Development
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Keeping On
Article from First Voice of Business on Ormiston employee Arthur Casey
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Queen’s Award
In 2003, Ormiston Wire received the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development.
Energy Policy
Sunny Portal
View live data from our PV plant