Ormiston Wire: Creating An Industry Golden Age Today
Over the past 50 years, the strength of industry has unquestionably weakened.
Where factories once stood side by side, now only a few remain. Where everyone in a household had some stake in the local steel mill or manufacturing plant, now most people earn their daily crust from office or retail jobs.
Which is why it’s important to always have a stake in the past, a person who can still recall the golden age when manufacturing industries were at their peak.
Our oldest and most long-standing
We’re lucky enough to have someone in the Ormiston Wire family who’s lived through these glory days. Mick Gevaux began working with us when he was just 14, and has lived through five decades of industry changes, experiencing the prosperous times and the turbulent ones.
Now aged 67, Mick is the perfect analogy for Ormiston Wire’s working practices – steady, reliable and always there for you, no matter the health of the manufacturing industries in Britain.
During the time that Mick’s spent with us, we’ve maintained a successful company that’s elevated in reputation as time has gone by. And as we move into 2017, we’ll remain in rude health for a long time to come.